About Us

Our Mission

As Daphnia Delfion, we are a family dedicated to capturing the freedom in life and the desire to be strong and independent. We are a brand united by our hand-knitted designs and our approach centred on sustainability. While supporting women's employment, we emphasise body consciousness and body love and adopt an approach that respects the environment.

While seeking freedom, we often neglect our bodies. We become alienated from our bodies and subject them to unfair criticism. As Daphnia Delfion, we see our bodies as a treasure. Every body type, every unique line and every colour is an expression of freedom and power. Our brand's designs help you celebrate your freedom by embracing your bodies.

Sustainability is part of Daphnia Delfion's DNA. By using surplus cotton yarns, we are responsible for protecting nature. We produce not only beautiful knits, but also our products as a reflection of the endeavour to build a greener future. We act with the commitment to leave a cleaner, greener world to future generations.

Glorifying the power and potential of women is one of Daphnia Delfion's main objectives. Women are at the centre of our brand, and we are proud to tell their stories of empowerment. Our women have the potential to succeed both in business and in all aspects of life. We support this belief.

With us, enjoy freedom, love your body and adopt an environmentally conscious lifestyle! Daphnia Delfion allows you to achieve an experience beyond clothes.

Thanks to Daphnia Delfion, you can be welcomed to a world where life is woven with freedom and surrounds your body with happiness.

Free your body and soul, wear and live happiness!


Our Vision

As Daphnia Delfion, we set out to knit dreams and weave them with sustainability. We knit not only with yarns, but also with freedom, strength and independence.

In order to capture the simplicity in the complexity of life, we have placed sustainability at our heart while creating our handcrafted designs. By bringing surplus cotton yarns back to life, we demonstrate a respectful approach to the environment and show our gratitude for the blessings nature offers us.

Our women are an important part of the Daphnia Delfion Family. We aim to emphasise the power and talents of women and to enable them to take more place in the business world.

We aim to support, grow and inspire each other not only with our knitting but also as a community. As Daphnia Delfion, as we celebrate freedom and independence, we have a responsibility to leave a more sustainable and just world for the future.

For us, each knitted garment is not just a garment; it tells a story. And this story shows how freedom, strength and independence are reflected in beauty. Each piece in our collection is a manifesto of freedom and a symbol of sustainability.

With Daphnia Delfion, we continue to knit dreams.

We invite you to join the Daphnia Delfion Family and be a part of this special journey.

Together, we can work hand in hand to create a greener, freer and stronger world!